Just to bring you up to date, the Watchtower got my wife to agree to ask the court to become the representative of Bethany's Estate. This was done so the Watchtower would be in a possition to sue the doctors, hospital, Child Welfare and the Government of Alberta and to apply pressure to them. I decided to get involved and after several court appearances, and Affidavits filed the Watchtower backed down and gave up. Another victory!
Attached is a copy of the Motion that I have filed at Queens Bench. There is a court hearing July 17, 2003 to hear this and decide on what issues will go to trial. A tenative two week trial has been scheduled beginning September 22. It is important that all the issues listed in my Motion go to trial. Some friends have asked what they can do to help? Mailing a letter may help. Would you please mail a letter to the Judge asking that the issues listed in my Motion go to trial and to forward the letter to whomever Justice may be officiating the Court Hearing, and have others do the same. Justice Mahoney is the Case Management Justice but he may not be officiating at the Court Hearing. It would be good to mention briefly in your letter how unjust and criminal the Watchtower is and give personal experiences of that and how they use undue influence and pressure to control their members, of the misinformation, lies and deceit used to hide their past , how they rewrite their history in their publications, and prevent the outside world and members from knowing what evil deeds they are up to. Please send a copy of your letter to the media. It may be a good idea to send me a copy as well in case I need to forward it to others. The more persons that mail a letter the better the chance that all the issues listed in the Motion will go to trial and the more media coverage that there will be. I also would like a copy so I know who sent a letter so I can thank them and put them on my mailing list for the Class Action Suites so they know how that is progressing. Would you post this on your web site, if you have one? Many thanks.
The following are the names and addresses:
The Honourable Mr. Justice B.E. Mahoney
Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta
The Court House
611 - 4th Street S.W.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 1T5
Re: Hughes v. Hughes
Q.B. Action Number 4801 113915
The Canadian PressSuite 507
100 - 4th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 3N2
Attn: Carol Harrington
CBC Television and RadioP.O.Box 2640
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 2M7
Attn: Lorie McNaughton
Calgary Sun2615 12 Street N.E.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Attn: Licia Corbella
Calgary Herald215 16 Street S.E.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2E 7P5
Attn: Daryl Slade
Lawrence HughesBox 20161
Calgary Place R.P.O.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 4J2
B E T W E E N:
(also referred to as the "Husband")
(also referred to as the "Wife")
TAKE NOTICE that an application will be made on behalf of the Plaintiff before the presiding Justice in Chambers at the Court House, 611 - 4st S.W. , in the City of Calgary, in the Province of Alberta, on ....................., the.... ........ day of March , 2003 at ............ o'clock in the afternoon or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard for an order:
1. To release the funds from the sale of the house at 446 Woodlands Cres. S.E. so that the Plaintiff can pay the Defendant Child Support payments retro active for Cassandra Hughes to June 1st, 2002;
2. To release to the Plaintiff all the medical records of Bethany Hughes from the Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton;
3. To have the Law Firm of W. Glen How and Associates removed from this case;
4. For costs, including costs against the Watchtower & Bible Tract Society of Canada;
5. Dirrecting immediate, and specified access to Cassandra Hughes for the Plaintiff, with specific dates and times stipulated;
6. For Cassandra to not carry a "NO BLOOD CARD" that is issued to her by the Watchtower Society;and that all decisions to medical, dental, health and general welfare be vested solely and exclusively within the discretion of Mr. Hughes (as well as religious training and education) for Cassandra Hughes;
7. Directing the necessity of taking the Parenting After Separation course;
8. For the Defendant not to take Cassandra out on the street soliciting for the Watchtower Society, or for selling literature for the Watchtower Society;
9. For sole custody of Cassandra Alyce Hughes born May 4, 1987;
10. For Arliss to not remove Cassandra from the Province of Alberta without the written conscent of the Plaintiff;
11. For Cassandra to cease with home schooling and to attend a Public School;
12. For the Defendant to not take Cassandra to the meetings at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witnesses;
13. For the Defendant to not speak to Cassandra about the teachings of the Watchtower Society, or have anyone else speak to Cassandra about the teachings of the Watchtower Society;
14. For the Defendant and Cassandra Hughes to take regular intense therapy sessions with a Cult Deprogrammer;
15. For Arliss Hughes to undergo phycological testing to determine if she is emotionally and mentally fit to have access to Cassandra Hughes;
16. To assign a task force with the assistance of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to investigate the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Canada and especially their legal department into allegations of professional misconduct and obstuction of justice regarding this and other legal proceedings that W. Glen How and Associates have been involved in.
17. For any other relief this Honourable Court may deem just;
AND TAKE NOTICE THAT the applicaton is made pursuant to Section 15 of the Divorce Act, 1985, R.S., c.-3 (2nd Supp.) And amendments thereto and Rule 548 of the Alberta Rules of Court.
AND TAKE NOTICE THAT the grounds upon which this application is based are:
(a) Arliss Hughes has put Bethany Hughes life at risk from February 15th, 2002 until her death of September 5th , 2002.
(b) Arliss Hughes is responsible for the untimely death of Bethany Hughes.
(c) Arliss Hughes refuses to allow the Plaintiff access to the medical records of Bethany Hughes.
(d) The environment in which Cassandra Hughes is being raised is detrimental to her mental and physical health, and not in her best interests.
(e) Since Arliss kidnapped Bethany and Cassandra and helped Bethany die, she has prevented the Plaintiff from seeing his daughters.
(f) Bethany and Cassandra was removed from Calgary and hidden in a Jehovah Witness home with the assistance of the Watchtower & Bible Tract Society of Canada in an effort to avoid possible apprehension and use of blood products in the treatment for futher cancer.
(g) Arliss Hughes and the Watchtower & Bible Tract Society of Canada are, by example and conduct, establishing an inappropriate set of moral and social standards, including deceit, intolerance, bias, disregard and narrow established perspectives.
(h) Arliss Hughes and the Watchtower & Bible Tract Society of Canada have put the children at risk physically, emotionally, and financially.
(i) The Plaintiff is best able to provide a sound and stable enviroment with open perspectives and emotional support.
(j) The conduct of Arliss Hughes has been found by the Court to have put Bethany Hughes in need of protection and she would act in the same way if Cassandra was in need of life saving medical care.
(k) The Law firm of W. Glen How and Associates is a department of the Watchtower & Bible Tract Society at their Canadian Branch Headquarters and have a vested interest in this case.
(l) The Law firm of W. Glen How and Associates are guilty of professional misconduct as an officer of the court in these and other proceedings related to Arliss and Bethany Hughes.
(m) The Law firm of W. Glen How and Associates are guilty of abstructing and perverting justice in this and other proceedings related to Arliss and Bethany Hughes.
(n) The Law firm of W. Glen How and Associates are guilty of interfering with and impeding the Bascic Rights and Freedoms of Arliss, Bethany and Cassandra Hughes.
(o) The Law firm of W. Glen How and Associates are guilty of the alienation of affections between Arliss, Bethany and Cassandra Hughes with that of Lawrence Hughes.
(p) The Law firm of W. Glen How and Associates are responsible for the premature and untimely death of Bethany Hughes.
(q) The Counsel of W. Glen How and Associates that represent Arliss Hughes are Elders of the Jehovah Witness Church, and belong to a " Special Religious Order" of the Society, and therefore are unable to differentiate their roles as counsel for Arliss and Cassandra Hughes, as counsel for the Church and as members of the Church, and as members of a "Special Religious Order".
(r) Such further and other grounds as counsel may advise and this Honourable Court may permit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that in support of such application will read the Affidavit of Lawrence Alexander Hughes, Hospital Records, Supervised Visit Reports, Trial Transcripts and documents and such further and other material as counsel may be advise, and this Honourable Court may permit.
SWORN BEFORE ME at the City of )
Calgary, in the Province of Alberta, this 24th
Day of February, 2003. )
In and for the Province of Alberta
Action No. 4801-113915 A.D. 2003
B E T W E E N:
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